Contact Center — BernardBPO

​How do you communicate with your customers?

Bernard delivers exceptional customer service using the sophisticated omni-channel routing capability of the Bernard's Cloud Call Center software. Bernard's next-generation systems route all customer communications to the right agents at the right time and automatically put the customer’s information on agents’ desktops so they can resolve the issue quickly. Customers can perform routine functions through our intelligent IVR with advanced voice recognition and visual IVR on mobile devices, freeing up agents to focus their attention on higher-value interactions. Bernard's CTI “screen pops” give agents the information they need to personalize the customer’s experience, potentially turning routine service calls into revenue-generating opportunities.


  ​A Tailored Approach To Your Contact Center Needs

Calls matter to you so they matter to us. Bernard offers end-to-end solutions from customer acquisitions through customer care to ensure business continuity 24/7. We’re ready to help take your business where it needs to be, whether it’s increasing revenue, upping conversion, or having a better customer experience.


Bernard at the Center of Your Customer Strategy




A Fortune 100 company was struggling with its call center service KPIs from their outsourcers.

Agents were often failing to perform simple, but necessary, sales processes and behaviors that underpin call effectiveness such as agenda setting, discovery, and overcoming objections.

A third party consulting group that audits call quality for many cable companies had documented the problem, and the immense effect on customer acquisition and retention.

For this company, delivering a good customer experience was crucial. They turned to Bernard for a solution.

Bernard immediately laid the groundwork for improvement, clearly defining and setting scoring criteria for behaviors, and instituting several key training initiatives.

First, Bernard employed homogenous group coaching, splitting staff into three learning sessions according to their scored performance. One trainer coached under-performers, a second oversaw the middle tier, while a third looked after peak performers — each facilitating a one-hour weekly huddle customized to the particular need of the group.

Second, Bernard instituted peer auditing as a learning tool, using the third party-scored good and bad calls as a basis for group analysis and discussion to distinguish well-executed behaviors from poorly executed ones.

Sessions were repeated weekly until the spread between the external auditor’s scores and agent’s was scores no more than 10%.

In between, compliance behaviors were also audited and coached against standard operating procedure every day. And process behaviors were examined once a week instead of once a month. But here, the focus was driving home the intent of the behavior.

Bernard also made quality the leading criteria in KPI calculation (doubling its importance), instituted a “best call contest”, and ensured agents who improved their call KPIs received personalized thank-you notes from management.

In doing all this, Bernard concentrated on one behavior at a time — choosing compliance processes for first attention since these offered quick remedies and easy gains. The behaviors measured included: 

  • Greeting

  • Reflection

  • Setting the agenda

  • Authentication

  • Discovery

  • Positioning

  • Overcoming objections/sell value/link to need

  • Summarize

  • Affirm customer’s choice

As a result, agent scores improved by 42% in just three months. These improvements took the company to first place in the client’s performance rankings — a spot they held month after month after month.

“Understanding behavior intent instead enables agents to be more responsive to customers. They see how they can tailor the process — and their wording — to respond to the needs of individual customers.”
— Matt Zemon, Bernard CEO

100,000+ live calls handled per day